Matariki – the stars of William Quarrier and Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus too was a star. Some would use the metaphor of Jesus as a pole star, a guide in our night, in our time of uncertainty when the usual pointers can’t be seen. Our gospel text points to some of the values, the lived dream, that Jesus had.

Glynn Cardy
Glynn Cardy

In the first part of the sermon on Sunday 30 June, Rev Glynn Cardy talked about the star, the inspiration, that guided David Dingwall in setting up the Dingwall Trust. That star was William Quarrier.  Recently, when in Scotland, Glynn visited Quarrier village.

In the second part of the sermon Glynn reflected on an account in Mark 5 where Jesus helps and heals two women - and what this story tells us about the values and perspective of Jesus.

A pdf of the sermon can be downloaded below.

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