Restorative Justice

What is Restorative Justice?
Restorative justice helps to redress the harm experienced by victims of crime by holding the offender to account for what they have done. Participation is voluntary and involves adult participants (victims and offenders) meeting to talk about the crime that has occurred and how the harm can be put right.
The process involves the victim and the offender coming face-to-face at a meeting called a restorative justice conference. This meeting allows the victim to express how the offending has affected them and allows all the people present to acknowledge the harm that has been caused and identify ways to put things right. Support from Whanau/Family and community help in this healing space.
Auckland Restorative Justice Trust (ARJT)
ARJT is a registered charitable Trust contracted by the Ministry of Justice to deliver restorative justice services in the Auckland and North Shore Courts. ARJT facilitators are professionally trained and accredited in standard and family violence cases.
ARJT and St Luke's share a rich history that goes back twenty years, and still have a very positive and meaningful relationship today.
Some key people from St Luke's helped to establish and develop ARJT and remain connected to this day. Dorothy McCarrison was a founding member of ARJT, dedicated and committed to the work of restorative justice as a facilitator, and facilitator representative on the ARJT Board. Pam Elgar is the co-chair of Auckland Restorative Justice Trust Board. Colin Rose is a facilitator and facilitator representative on the ARJT Board, and Pamela Day provides administration support, an arrangement that has been in place since the start of ARJT.
For more information on the Auckland Restorative Justice Trust, please email, or phone Jean Staples (ARJT Manager) on 027 601 4361